Hi there, I'm Charles,

a software developer from France. I'm making tools for Visual Effects and Video Games artists, building custom technologies for NGO and coding for Live Entertainment and Projection Mapping.

After years at The Mill and Disguise in London I joined Télécoms Sans Frontières, Première Urgence Internationale and Médecins du Monde to work with medical teams to automate workflows of front line workers in remote Myanmar, Nepal and Syria.

With Previz, we made a real-time 3D content planning and previsualization environment for live entertainment, installations and architectural project. During summer 2018 I've helped my friends from nexLabs in Yangon, Myanmar on a web project as a mentor and frontend developer.

A few years ago I cycled from France to Australia with Siugi. This has been a crazy trip, but by no means did it cure my travel bug. Since then I keep on traveling the world for work and fun.

In early 2019 I joined the R&D team of the visual effects studio Rodeo FX in Montréal, Canada to write Python and C++ pipeline code with USD and Qt for their artists. I'm now discovering the video games world at Ubisoft.

Let's be in touch by Email, Mastodon, Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn.

09 April 2021

Cool songs in French #1 - Accents

A playlist of songs with different French accents

14 March 2021

Hello Renaud #001

What I learned recently: windows linking, github tricks and C++ testing

10 October 2018

Keeping code clean: a simple example

A baby-step by baby-step example on how to keep code clean

18 juillet 2018

La place du libre dans les effets spéciaux

Précisions sur la place des logiciels libres dans les studios d'effets spéciaux suite à un journal de LinuxFr.org

03 July 2018

Testing Redis PUB/SUB in Python / aiohttp with pytest

Send a callback as a fixture and be done with it

26 February 2018

FAQ cycling around the world

FAQ about a round-the-world bicycle trip

08 octobre 2017

In Mortem Resolume

Resolume, multi-projection, vidéo live et contrôle sur scène pour In Mortem